The 7 habbit of highly effective people : Stephen Covey summary

By reading this book you will learn how to be highly effective. Whatever your job is you will learn something new from this book. If you are a parent you can learn something ,to have a better relationship with your child . If you are a boss , you can learn a few tips on how to be a better leader

 What is a highly effective person? A highly effective person is someone who has a good character. He is someone who has strong value. 

Have you experienced being  in conflict with a relative or a workmates? Before trying to change others you must start with yourself. Do you think you have qualities that you can improve ? 

A highly effective person is also someone who has good relationship with other people . He  maintain harmony with his family, relatives ,neighbors  and workmates  . This good relationship can last for a long time 

If you have a good character , people would want to be near you that is what makes the "The 7 habits of highly effective  people " an international best seller  

This book focuses on improving individuals  characters

If you have a good personality , that will make you an effective person but only for a short time. People will soon realize that you have a motive behind your actions. But if you have a good character, that will last a life time . You can influence the people around you without noticing it. 

Remember that you must start from inside out. You must start with yourself first. Are  you ready to make a change? Are you ready to become a highly effective person 

Seven habits of highly effective person 

Habit 1: Be Proactive

(The habit of choice) 

  • See alternatives not roadblocks
  • Focus on what you can influence
  • I am free to choose and am responsible for my choices 

Habit 2 : Being with the end in mind 

(The habit of vision) 

  • Mental creation preceds  physical creations
  • Define practical outcome 

Habit 3: Put first thing first 

( The habit of integrity and Execution) 

  • Focus on the important not just the urgent
  • Effectiveness requires the integrity to act on your priorities
  • Plan weekly act daily

Habit 4: Think win - win 

(  The habit of mutual  benefit) 

  • Effective long term relationship require mutual respect and mutual benefit
  • Build trust with co-workers 

Habit 5: Seek first to understand then to be understood 

(The habit of mutual understanding) 

  • To communicate effectively, we must first understand each other 
  • Practice empathic listening 
  • Give honest accurate feedback
Habit 6 : Synergize

( The habit of creative cooperation) 

  • The whole is greater than the sum of its parts 
  • Synergize to arrive at new and better alternatives

Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw 

( The habit of renewal) 

  • To maintain and increase Effectiveness, we must renew ourselves in body, mind, heart and soul

Habit 1,2,3 will help you improve your character
Habit 4,5,6 will help you improve your relationship with other people 
Lastly habit 7 will help you keep these good qualities for life 

Now you must try to apply what you have learned everyday 
Whenever you are in a bad situation choose to be proactive 
Whenever you are in conflict with anyone choose the win - win solution 

If you do something repeatedly it is only then that it will become a habit. As Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence , then is not an act but a habit. "

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August 29, 2020 at 2:30 AM ×

Very good post. Highly informative. Keep up the good work.

Earn Money
August 29, 2020 at 2:34 AM ×

Highly imformative summary
